Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Drop Ship Account Distributions and Reconcile in Dynamics GP

I get asked all the time about reconciling the accrued drop ship account. In order to explain how to reconcile this account, I thought I would detail how the accrued drop ship account is utilized in Dynamics GP. Once you have a basic understanding of how the drop ship process works, you will realize that the account reconciliation really isn’t that complicated.

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Office 365 Guest User Office 365 Guest User

You Got Spam: How Not to Fall for a Phishing Attack

Phishing is on the rise again and now more than ever it's critical to defend yourself against intrusions that can compromise your business. Just this year the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center was targeted by ransomware injected into their system through a phishing attack. In the end, they ended up shelling out a whopping $17,000 to re-appropriate all of their client’s medical documents.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Using Dynamics GP to Amortize Prepaid Expenses

If you are using spreadsheets to track your prepaid expenses while trying to remember to manually enter multiple journal entries each period: STOP! There’s an easier way. Dynamics GP has a feature called Revenue/Expense Deferrals that will calculate and automate the deferral entry process.

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How does Office 365 integrate with Dynamics CRM?

Sales professionals love to use Office programs like Outlook, Word, and Excel in their sales processes. It makes sense then that their CRM system should work well with these programs, right? With the recent release of Office 2016, the integration between Office 365 and Dynamics CRM is better than ever. Here are some of the best ways Office 365 and Dynamics CRM work together.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Why is my Navigation List missing transactions in Dynamics GP?

Have you ever opened up a Navigation list and thought, “I know this invoice has been entered, so why is it not in my Open Invoices list?” Or maybe, “I was just viewing this PO, why is it missing from my Open POs list?”

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t get discouraged. There are two settings that you will want to check on: your filter settings and your restrictions group.

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Office 365 Guest User Office 365 Guest User

Maintaining a connected workplace with remote workers

It’s no secret that an increasing number of employers are beginning to allow their staff to work remotely, whether that be from home, from a coffee shop, or from an ever-growing number of co-working spaces. In the United States alone, 37% of workers telecommute at least two days per week and 80% of corporations plan to increase their use of flexible workers in the coming years.

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Office 365 Guest User Office 365 Guest User

Office 365 just changed the way you set up App Passwords

If you use Office 365, you may have noticed that Microsoft recently changed the settings layout within the Office 365 Portal. This means that there is a new path for creating and updating app passwords. If you aren’t sure what app passwords are, your organization probably isn’t using them. App passwords are used for Mutli-Factor Authentication within Office 365 to add a second level of security to your Office 365 files.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Five signs that it's time to switch Dynamics GP providers

1. Your Partner doesn't communicate with you.

How often do you have a sit down with your Dynamics GP provider to talk about what is happening with your business and how your system is working? If your partner isn’t connecting with you regularly, then they are not aware of how your business is growing and how Dynamics GP can help you manage and maintain that growth.

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Office 365 Guest User Office 365 Guest User

Microsoft ends support for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10

Last month Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10. This means those versions of IE will no longer get security patches and technical support. It is critical that you get security updates to ensure your system doesn't get compromised by malware, spyware, adware, or any other malicious code. In addition, you'll want to be on an updated version of IE to ensure any web pages you visit will work properly.

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Office 365 Guest User Office 365 Guest User

Customize your app launcher in Office 365

Microsoft has quietly rolled out a cool new feature for Office 365 Business that gives you the power to move and re size your apps within the Office 365 app launcher. This is an exciting feature for people that use the app launcher to switch between Office 365 apps and for those who don’t use the app launcher, this will be a fun way to get into a habit of using it more.

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Office 365, Dynamics 365 CRM Guest User Office 365, Dynamics 365 CRM Guest User

Microsoft announces two Azure data centers in UK

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella took to the stage at the Future Decoded conference today to announce two new Azure data centers opening in the UK in 2016. Microsoft recently completed Azure datacenters in Ireland and the Netherlands, but this will be the first datacenter in the UK. The expansion will allow UK businesses and government organizations using Azure to store and backup data within the UK region for the first time.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Using the PA Reconcile Utility to Close your Dynamics GP Projects

You have just completed a project in GP and you are ready to close it - or so you think! You go through the "Project Closing" window and it indicates that the project is not ready to be closed. "What do I do now," you may ask.

If you think you have everything completed for a project and you are not sure why it will not close, you may want to run the PA Reconcile utility.

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Dynamics GP, Office 365 Guest User Dynamics GP, Office 365 Guest User

How to use Excel Copy/Paste in the Dynamics GP General Ledger

One of the new features of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 is the ability to copy information from an Excel Spreadsheet and paste it into a General Ledger entry in GP. For any of you that have used Integration Manager to import General Ledger transactions into GP, you are probably jumping up and down with joy and high-fiving everyone at the office. A process that used to involve preparing your Excel document, saving it as a tab-delimited file, configuring your integration, and then troubleshooting any errors you might receive with your integration has been simplified into preparing an Excel document and simply pasting it into GP. Neat right? The only thing to keep in mind is that your columns have to be ordered in this sequence: Description, Account Number, Debit, and Credit.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

How to edit and generate 1099s with Dynamics GP 2013

It's that time of year again! Time to generate and send out 1099s to your vendors. Luckily, Dynamics GP has this functionality built in. All you need to do when entering a new 1099 vendor is specify that they are a 1099 vendor in their vendor card. Then, at the end of the year, you can print 1099s for all vendors that you have set up. All of the calculations are done for you.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Using Direct Links to Inquiries from SmartLists in Dynamics GP 2013

I have been noticing a number of different links and features as I have been working in Dynamics GP 2013 that may not have been in earlier versions, or I just didn’t notice them before. I have checked with a number of our clients, and they didn’t seem to know they were there either.

I was working in a SmartList in Dynamics GP 2013 the other day, and noticed a cool little feature that I hadn’t used before and has turned out to be quite a time saver.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

How to Void Accounts Receivable Transactions

Occasionally in Dynamics GP you will need to void an Accounts Receivable transaction. Voiding a transaction in Accounts Receivable differs from voiding an Accounts Payable transaction in that there is only one place to go to in AR: Posted Transactions. To get to this window go to: Sales > Transactions > Posted Transactions.

In the Receivables Posted Transaction Maintenance window, enter or select the customer for the transaction you wish to void. Then you will want to select the Document Type of the transaction you wish to void. Options include Sales / Invoices, Debit Memos, Finance Charges, Service / Repairs, Credit Memo, Returns, Payments. Once you select the type you can click the looking glass next the Number to select the transaction.

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Dynamics GP Guest User Dynamics GP Guest User

Line Item Searches in Dynamics GP 2013 Sales Order Processing

Recently, I noticed a client scrolling through an invoice in Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing to review a specific line item. The invoice contained over 50 lines, and scrolling was not an efficient way to find the line item. There is a line item search feature that allows for searching large invoices for specific items in Dynamics GP.

This search feature works with all SOP Types: Orders, Fulfillment Orders, Backorders, Invoices and Returns. The steps are identical if you are using the Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client. In the invoice example below, simply click the down triangle that appears in the blue bar above the line item entry fields.

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