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Product overview: Dynamics 365 Sales
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service is an exceptional customer service application with a wealth of features that streamline workflows and speed up responses to your valued customers. If you’re looking for a solution that facilitates positive customer relationships while boosting productivity, you’re in the right place.
Manufacturing Customer Relationship Management: Common Pitfalls & Solutions
What does the manufacturing industry need from their business applications? What features and functionalities are must-haves? How can a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution help common issues that manufacturers experience in the marketing, sales, and customer service stages of their business process?
All that and more are addressed in this highly informative eBook. View online and download for free!
Learning your systems shouldn’t cost you
We know comprehensive training makes or breaks application adoption (and therefore, your entire system investment). So we created Syvantis Learn, an on-demand learning platform for Dynamics 365 that our clients enjoy for free.