Resources from our industry-expert staff
The cost and operational benefits of upgrading to Dynamics 365 Business Central
Dynamics 365 Business Central is Microsoft’s champion for mid-market business management solutions. Business Central was built around the foundation of Dynamics NAV and brings business processes together into a single, easy-to-use interface. Better yet, as part of the Dynamics 365 platform, Business Central is easily connected to other Dynamics 365 applications such as Marketing and Sales to fully synchronize a business’ functionality.
For companies currently using other Microsoft solutions such as Dynamics GP or Dynamics NAV, an upgrade to Business Central would provide many benefits from both an operational and cost standpoint.
Make sales management easier on-the-go with the new Dynamics 365 Sales mobile experience
For salespeople in the field that spend most of their time on the road, it can be difficult to find the time to make sure their CRM data is up to date. Frankly, it is difficult to use most CRM applications on the road. The latest release of Dynamics 365 Sales expands the mobile experience to help salespeople to quickly access and update customer information on the go.
UPDATE: Set OneDrive to open Office 365 files in their desktop app by default
This is an update to a previous blog detailing the default opening behavior of Office 365 app files in OneDrive. The process has largely changed since the original blog post. The purpose of this blog is to show how to set OneDrive up to automatically open Office 365 files in the desktop app, rather than the online app.
5 new Dynamics 365 Marketing features you may not have heard of
Dynamics 365 Marketing is Microsoft’s premiere digital marketing application built directly into the Dynamics 365 ecosystem. For those of you using Dynamics 365 Marketing already, you may see changes here and there as Microsoft pushes out new releases as part of Dynamics 365 2020 Release Wave 2.
Some of these features are not very visible and require additional steps to enable. We’ve put together a list of 5 new features in Dynamics 365 Marketing that can immediately impact your marketing operations and make life easier for your marketing team.
Online event management for professional services organizations with Dynamics 365 Marketing
In the work-from-home era, companies like professional service organizations have been forced to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Engaging with audiences without in-person interactions can seem like a daunting task. However, applications like Dynamics 365 Marketing do the work to help companies keep their customers engaged.
Webinar recording: 2020 Dynamics GP year-end closing procedures
Getting ready to close the year for 2020 in Dynamics GP? Watch the recording of our annual webinar to learn everything you need to run an anxiety-free close in Dynamics GP and get your questions answered.
Dynamics 365 Business Central Release Wave 2 Updates
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides solutions for a wide variety of business needs. It is designed particularly with small and midsized businesses in mind to help them manage and adapt their processes. Business Central is receiving a variety of updates as part of Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 release wave 2 plan for its wide range of business.
There are improvements for general app performance, administration tools, handling of growing consumer bases, file storage, business expansion, and an increased integration with Microsoft Teams. Also, included in these updates are many user-requested features.
New updates coming to Dynamics 365 Marketing in Release Wave 2
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing has proven itself a powerful catalyst for creating and maintaining strong customer relationships. Microsoft’s update release wave 2 further enhances Dynamics 365 Marketing by giving users better tools for, and better control over, the processes they already do so well.
There are big quality of life and UI enhancements coming to Customer Journeys, increased functionality and performance monitoring for social post, and integration with Microsoft Teams for easy webinar and event management.
Webinar Recording: Dynamics GP to Business Central - How to Migrate Successfully
Hosted by CEO of Syvantis, Janelle Riley, this webinar titled “GP to Business Central: How to Successfully Migrate” contains a walkthrough of the history of Dynamics ERP applications and provides information about the migration process from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Webinar recording: What finance professionals need to know before diving into Power BI
Power BI can get really complicated, really fast. How do you cut through all of the technical terminology and just use it? How do you know when you are over your head and need to ask for help from a technical resource? In this webinar hosted by CEO of Syvantis, Janelle Riley, and Consulting Manager, Jack Walther, the Syvantis team explores Power BI from the perspective of a finance user of Dynamics GP.
Improve team organization and productivity with Microsoft Lists and Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Lists, a recently released Microsoft 365 productivity application, has proven to be a catalyst to help companies organize and track tasks. On its own, Microsoft Lists allows users to create and share lists with members of their organization to view, edit, and complete within the app - even on mobile. However, where it really shines is in its integration with Microsoft Teams.
Internet Explorer is going away - should you still use it for Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 access?
Microsoft recently announced that Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported by Microsoft 365 applications. Don’t panic – Internet Explorer users have until August 17, 2021 before the tried and true browser is officially retired, however it is important for organizations using Dynamics 365 and Office 365 to begin developing a plan to use another browser for day to day access.
Dynamics 365 Business Central user authentication with Azure Active Directory
Many programs including Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 utilize Active Directory to conduct authentication, but this blog will focus on Dynamics 365 Business Central Online and how it uses Active Directory to create seamless integration between most of Microsoft’s products.
Utilize Jobs functionality in Business Central for comprehensive project management
Project management has always been a tricky problem for traditional accounting software to manage. Dynamics 365 Business Central offers options for managing projects using a process called Jobs.
Get to know approval workflows in Business Central and how to use them
Automation of accounting processes is an important part of any robust ERP solution. The ability to set automatic schedules that can either be kicked off manually or remotely can refine processes that would otherwise take excessive time and effort to handle. As a result, a lot of modern accounting systems have automation capabilities that build scripts to eliminate manual work. Dynamics 365 Business Central is no exception to that rule and has its entirely own system of workflows to help take out as much administration time as possible.
There’s a new customer journey experience in Dynamics 365 Marketing
Coming soon, the Customer Journey entity will see a revamp making it even easier to create and manage automated marketing campaigns. These campaigns range from a simple email blast to an extended drip campaign that reacts to how the target interacts with the campaign content. Learn more about building more complex customer journeys here. Here is a glimpse at what’s coming to early release in September and general availability in October.
New Microsoft Teams features built to improve remote collaboration
Since Microsoft originally released Microsoft Teams as a successor to Skype for Business, they have been consistently improving the application with regular updates designed to make communication and collaboration easier for organizations of all sizes. With the recent situation surrounding COVID-19, many organizations have begun to rely more heavily on Microsoft Teams to help their staff communicate and collaborate while working remotely.
We’ve put together a few of the most beneficial features Microsoft Teams has to offer to organizations looking to take advantage of the communication app in a more effective way.
Microsoft releases plans for Dynamics 365 updates in 2020 Wave 2
Twice each year, Microsoft gathers all projects under the umbrella of the Dynamics 365 label and hashes out a roadmap for every moving piece of the suite. The result is a huge document covering all Dynamics apps including Marketing, Sales, Finance and Operations, Human Resources, Commerce, Fraud Protection, Business Central, and Customer Voice, and a number of smaller subdivisions under each of these apps.
What’s new in Dynamics 365 Marketing?
The May 2020 Update for Dynamics 365 Marketing was recently released. With this release come new features, performance upgrades, and bug fixes. If you have been watching Dynamics 365 updates closely, you’ll know there have been regular, monthly updates over the last 6 months.
The May release marks the final point in the Dynamics 365 Marketing 2020 release wave 1 plan. All features mentioned in release wave 1 plan are now generally available to all Dynamics 365 Marketing implementations. So what are the new features you should be aware of? Let us go through them.
SharePoint Online is fixing a long existing required metadate sync issue
The main way SharePoint manages their documents is through document libraries which keeps documents organized through the column system. As part of their annual August update, SharePoint Online will be bring some changes to this column system which may clear up some headaches that have always been associated with the feature.
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