Vendor management made easy with Business Central

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ERP systems can be used to manage sales and purchasing from start to finish, and any business that purchases from vendors knows just how important it is that contact information, invoices, payment methods, and communications always be kept organized and accessible.  

Business Central is an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes, and its built-in vendor management features can simplify and streamline purchasing processes right from your Business Central workspace, so there’s no need for an outside vendor management software.  


Vendor management in Business Central

Using the right ERP software can simplify the sales and purchasing process for your business from start to finish and every step in between, and helps keep vendor relationships engaged and coordinated with top-down visibility. Business Central’s vendor management features keep suppliers coordinated and catalogued with contracts, contacts, payment information, and past purchases all in one spot.  

Plus, you can easily track activities, updates, email correspondence, invoicing, and accounts payable and utilize automation features—all of which are backed by the reassurance of a tried-and-true ERP system.  

Vendors and their information are registered onto a detailed vendor card (which can be made easy by using a template with predefined information), where you can set up purchaser codes, payment methods, posting groups, pricing agreements, and additional configurations. Or, since no two vendors are alike, vendor cards can be filled out manually.  

An example vendor card.

A major appeal of using Business Central is the ease at which you can reconcile payments and ledgers. It’s easy to reconcile vendor payments, and you have the option to run reconciliation from a few different spots within Business Central—the Payment Journal, Vendor Ledger Entries, or from within purchase credit memo documents.  

Most importantly, using Business Central keeps all your vendors and their corresponding information correct, organized, up-to-date, and with all the tools you need to keep business running smoothly.


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