Copilot features in Dynamics 365 Sales – Form fill assistance
Copilot–Microsoft’s AI assistant–is in the very beginning of its life, so it’s still expanding and evolving. But chances are you’ve seen it in Dynamics 365 Sales or other CRM apps, like Customer Service or Customer Insights-Journeys, in Microsoft Edge internet browser, and even in Microsoft news or announcements. It’s been added to all environments and is turned on by default.
We’ve written a separate blog post discussing some of the most useful Copilot features in Dynamics 365 Sales. We want to add to that conversation by discussing another new feature that is designed to help you enter data faster, and this new feature is called form fill.
First, what is Copilot?
As you may already know, Copilot is Microsoft’s artificial intelligence tool, which is being implemented throughout its technology offerings. Its primary goals are to help you work faster and easier with productivity-boosting features that reduce time-consuming manual tasks and help you generate content.
Copilot can analyze, summarize, and synthesize the data that you already have in your systems to generate information for you. In our previous blog, we discussed how it can do things like summarize recent activity with a lead or prepare you for a meeting with a client – all based on info already on that record or associated records.
How does form fill work?
The form fill feature auto-populates suggestions for form fields that are based on what is available on the form, frequently used data, and what the user has done within the app in the past.
Suggestions populate for text, numeric, choice, and date fields, and they appear within the field itself (inline). They must be accepted before they are saved, and you do that by hovering over the field and selecting the check mark that appears, or by clicking the “Accept all” button that will appear in a ribbon message at the top of the screen.
An example of form fill generating suggestions for the “Purchase Timeframe” and “Purchase Process” fields in a new Opportunity.
You can type right over these suggestions if they don’t work for you. Then, if you navigate away from the form with unsaved suggestions, a prompt will ask if you want to save or discard the suggestions.
When you leave a page, a prompt asks if you’d like to discard the form fill suggestions.
Note: Copilot only works in English at the moment, and the Modern look needs to be enabled
Turning off form fill
If form fill is something you don’t want to use at the moment, your system administrator can turn it off in the Power Platform admin center under Environments > Settings > Product > Features.
The settings for form fill include 3 options: Enable for all users immediately, Enable for users as features become available (default), and Enable for no one.
Form fill assistance is yet another tool in Copilot’s arsenal to help you save time on manual data entry and tasks during your workday so you can prioritize other work items. More and more Copilot features are on the way, so stay tuned for the newest updates by checking out the release wave planner and check out our Fast Classes and future blogs to get the latest!