Syvantis Technologies, Inc.

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Your multicurrency registration status has changed. Please check links on the Multicurrency Setup table

Recently, a client asked the following:

“We recently disabled Multicurrency in Dynamics GP 2013. When opening a Sales Transaction Entry, we get the following error:

"Your Multicurrency registration status has changed. Please check links on the Multicurrency Setup table."

Most of the information I found regarding this error included partial fixes for that did not work. I was able to correct the error by using the following steps:

  1. Backup the database.

  2. Run Check links on Financial > Multicurrency Setup.

  3. Run Check links on Sales > Sales Setup.

While I was running check links, I chose to run all the multicurrency and sales invoice related maintenance. However, re-testing with only the steps above did work, and these should be the only steps needed to fix the error.

In this case, the cause of the error was a staff member noticing that multicurrency was setup for their newly installed Dynamics GP company. Knowing they didn't use multi-currency, they removed the multicurrency registration keys.